A fun, interactive way to help engage your children in the Christmas story. Learning the Christmas story goes beyond the Church’s walls.
My children were fascinated with our nativity scene when they were little. The baby, barn yard animals, stars: these common images became special when they helped tell the story of our faith.
Christmas pageants were part of my children’s upbringing. My daughter played the roles of Mary, sheep, and angels. My son was either Joseph, a wise man or one of the shepherds. One year, they were both lambs. As I was watching them crawl down the isles, I realized I wanted their connection to the Christmas story to be more than being cute and little.
While setting up our Christmas decorations, I was wondering how to personalize the Christmas story for my children. I noticed them playing house. They were using the Mary and Joseph figurines to help put their stuffed animals to bed.
This gave me a idea. Instead of keeping the nativity scene up on the shelf, I decided to make it an interactive toy. I asked them each to find one small item from their room to add to the nativity scene. They gladly found some items and added them to the set. To my delight, they picked up right where they left off playing house. They spent a happy hour “being” part of the nativity scene. The lego man and glass ballerina had a wonderful time visiting baby Jesus.
That year a new, fun, hands on approach was added to our faith. One that we could do at home.

This “fun twist” of setting up the nativity scene was a huge hit. The following year their personal objects all ready in hand with the anticipation of adding them to the scene. We had some great conversations surrounding the manger scene. I asked why certain figures where chosen and what they through about the Christmas story. I heard the some amusing tells. The best thing I heard was how my children were growing in their own faith.
It is hard to find and a balance between all the pageantry and simplicity of the Christmas story. Through the act of playing my children learned our faith went beyond the church’s walls.
Do you have a cherished natively that you set up each year?
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