Remnants of Grace
In 2001 my husband and I were in the process of changing everything about our lives. […]
Remnants of Grace
I find it very amusing that I never had my own washer and dryer until I […]
Remnants of Grace
Home improvement shows, Marie Kondo, The Home Edit, Pinterest – all eyes seem to be on […]
Remnants of Grace
Winter in the low country is a beautiful mix of extremes. A bright blue sky masking […]
Remnants of Grace
Hands are the tools with which you grasp your life. Colleen O’Dell – Remnants of Grace […]
Remnants of Grace
Time is a funny thing. Sometimes is it a blessing and sometimes it is a curse. […]
Remnants of Grace
The perfect pair of boots can go with more than just jeans. Boots can go with […]
Remnants of Grace
There’s nothing like a significant birthday to make some resolutions. I usually do not make them […]
Remnants of Grace
Buying stocking stuffer for your colllege age children does not have to be tricky. 12 stocking […]
Remnants of Grace
The holidays are here! Christmas, New Years, Valentines’ Day! All around the world women are saying […]